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Victoria, Australia
Here I am all things spiritual. Try and keep up with what's going on in my life if you really want to - it's riveting

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Feeling Solitary

Am feeling quite alone at present. This Wise Witch is not getting her real dose of coven work. May be I am meant to work solitary. There is a true wind blowing and I'm not sure which way..... East I think. So Air....... Thinking and thought, wisdom. Wondering if I can possibly combine the way of the pagan with normal life too. As in making up herbs, candle spells etc for a wiccan shop of sorts. Perhaps leading a workshop on basic 101..... yes I can do that.

Firstly though, things are changing at work. I shall be working more with the Sydney crew and Melbourne won't be doing their backyard jobs any more, well at least for the winter 2011.

Will now have to wait and see but it is all positive.

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